Hey there, fellow pop culture lovers! Diving into the cinematic universe, there’s something purely magical about embarking on a whimsical adventure into the great unknown. This year, “Wonka” whisks us away once more to those … Pure Imagination and the Magic of “Wonka”: A Deep DiveRead more
Could this be The Last of Us?
The Last of Us, which is a video game by Naughty Dog and made into a series by HBO explores what could happen when the world as we know it, ends. So what could go … Could this be The Last of Us?Read more
Growing Up with The Simpsons: A Journey Through Pop Culture and Self-Discovery
Years ago, as I was turning 11 or was it 12, a certain yellow-hued family debuted on Fox TV. Now, as I enter my “middle ages,” I can look back fondly at all the laughs … Growing Up with The Simpsons: A Journey Through Pop Culture and Self-DiscoveryRead more
Pop Culture: The Melting Pot of Modern Marvels or Just What’s Trending
Is “pop culture” just a fancy way of saying “whatever’s trending”? Sure, I could’ve just shouted across the room at Alexa to tell me the definition of pop culture, and she’d probably hit me with … Pop Culture: The Melting Pot of Modern Marvels or Just What’s TrendingRead more
Marvel Snap
Everyone has played a game on their phone at one point or another, right? How else would you, in the modern age, pass the time while sitting on the throne? Well, I thought I had … Marvel SnapRead more